Ultra acknowledges the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and adheres to all relevant government guidelines, designed to ensure that its products are not incorporated into weapons or other equipment used for the purposes of terrorism, internal repression or the abuse of human rights. Ultra does not export or provide defence equipment or services to any country that is subject to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions regimes, nor prevented by the 5 eyes governments.

Ultra does not manufacture, distribute, sell, maintain, or acquire controversial weapons (including cluster munitions, anti-personnel land mines, and chemical and biological weapons). Ultra does not manufacture nuclear weapons.
Ultra’s Board requires that the Group should, at all times, be a responsible corporate citizen and, as such, the Group complies with all applicable legislation in the countries in which it operates.

We recognise our responsibility to respect the human rights of every individual who works for us – either as an employee, through our supply chain or within one of our communities close to our operations – as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights, and the eight fundamental conventions on which the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are based.
If any of our employees have concerns about human rights issues within the business and they feel they are unable to raise concerns through normal reporting lines, they can raise concerns through the Speak Up platform, which is our independent whistleblowing hotline and portal. Our modern slavery statement can also be found here.