Our Forces defend and protect us at home and abroad, sacrificing many of their civilian freedoms while doing so, and often facing hardship and a risk of serious injury and death during the course of their duties. Our aim is to demonstrate Ultra’s commitment to our military and other forces’ veterans, reservists and their families.

We are therefore very proud to be a Forces friendly employer. We have committed to actively supporting our Forces community – both Civil and Military. We recognise the value that serving personnel, veterans, and their families, contribute to our safety, our business, and defence of the regions in which we operate.

In December 2020, we launched our ONE Ultra Forces Charter, which sets three key principles for Ultra:
- To recognise, respect and show gratitude of service, honouring the commitment and sacrifices made by the Forces community
- To take positive measures to prevent any disadvantage of the Forces community
- To recognise that special treatment may be appropriate, especially for the injured or bereaved

Our charter supports our ASPIRE values and strategic priorities and is built upon our commitment to a sustainable future by engaging with our communities, striving to operate in a sustainable manner, minimising our environmental impact, and showing that we are an active positive contributor to our communities.
Read our ONE Ultra Forces Charter here.